Thursday, March 8, 2012

spring break

Spring Break for our studio is March 12-16...which means no lessons next week!

I'll remind you here that March 23 is the final masterclass for the semester and that is a FRIDAY at 630. You are to be prepared with your classical piece. Emily Hansen will be our guest teacher. You will need your accompanist. It is best dress. We will be practicing our group numbers in the following order:

630-640: I won't Say
640-650: That's What Friends are For
650-700: Colonol's March

Please be on time for your group numbers and I hope to be out of there by 830. Yes, you should clear your schedule and plan to be to the whole thing.

Yes, you should take comments down on your own paper and turn them into me so I can give them out.

Marshall, Nancy, Sylvia, and other beginners with me should plan on singing, but can change your minds if you become too overwhelmed. Don't decide anything until the masterclass, but plan ON performing so that you will come prepared so that if you feel so inclined, you may still perform. talk about a rambling sentence.

Good luck! Happy Spring Break!

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