USU syllabus

MUSC 1360
Deb Sorensen

·         To understand more about your own instrument.
·         To accomplish personal vocal goals.
·         Study music, prepare, and perform solos.
·         Learn basic vocal techniques such as posture, breathing, support, resonance and musicianship.
·         Learn commitment and discipline.

You must attend 13 lessons in one semester. Lessons are only ½ hour long. It helps to be 5 minutes early to each lesson to avoid issues. 5 minutes late = absence. Each absence is -10 points to grade.

Recitals/Master Classes:
At the end of each semester there will be a recital. This gives you a chance to perform and TEST what you have spent money, time and energy working towards. You may sing 1 to 2 pieces. They must be memorized and performance ready.

Master Classes are 2 times a semester. Dates and times will be given to you. They are held at my home and are a great place to perform and get feedback from others who are working towards the same things you are.

To receive an A:
·         Come to every lesson (on time) ready and willing to work.        3 points
·         Be prepared with practice (5 times a week for ½ hour).             5 points      
·         Bring your music, in a folder, and a pencil to every lesson.      +2 points
                                                                                                          10 points
10 points per lesson = 130 points per semester
You must be at the lesson to receive any points for the week.
·         Sing 2 pieces memorized per semester         with audience       10 points per song
·         Attend both masterclasses                                              20 points per class
·         Attend and participate in recital                                                30 points
·         Practiced with accompanist 3 times                                 10 points per time
Total with lesson total: 250 pts

Extra credit:
If you need it, we can talk. Previously I’ve allowed students to write reports on performances, bring treats to recital or masterclasses, those kinds of things.           

Singing is the hardest, yet most rewarding instrument to play/use/learn. It takes dedication to make changes to your voice, but it’s always worth the effort! I’m excited to help you reach your musical and vocal goals! Please let me know of any questions or concerns.

Thank you,
Deb Sorensen

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