Tuesday, April 24, 2012

postal mishap!..and recital info

So, if any of you received emails about my family's updates, sorry! They would have been titled "bill and rosi", "tim and jill", "adam and becky" and "nick and deb". I posted them to the wrong blog!AGH! Just delete and ignore. ;) I hope the moment of idiocy has passed because that was a doosey!

In other news, we are cutting all group numbers for the recital on Sat. We are not ready. So no rehearsal before concert at 6pm. The end.

Lastly, if you want your name spelled correctly, your piece listed correctly or any other error that might happen, please let me know what you'll be singing for Sat's recital by listing it EXACTLY in the following format:

title (only the first word is capitalized in Italian) by first letter of first name and full last name of COMPOSER, not librettist
If it's from anything, list it here

So, if I were doing this for myself, it would look like this:

Deb Sorensen
Porgi amor by W. Mozart
From Le nozze di Figaro
Pianist: Elizabeth Emery

thanks, guys! I'm excited to see you on Saturday at 630!!!!!!!! BEST DRESS! Preferably Black with little color. Girls in heels. Men, you always can wear a colored shirt. Just don't make it distracting.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

recital...April 28th

So, call time is 6pm
We will practice the March, then the Friends and then No Chance.
Break until 7pm
Try not to invite people until 7pm, when it actually starts.

